Humana Press – Springer Nature – 2023 – M. Bizzarri
“This second edition volume expands on the previous edition with discussions of the latest advancements and methods used by scientists to study systems biology. The chapters in this book are organized into four parts. Part One looks at models in systems biology and parameters identification such as short peptide analysis, metastasis models, and metabolomics. Part Two covers computational methods in the study of organisms, and cancer non-linear dynamics. Part Three discusses critical transition states across Waddington’s like landscapes such as understanding cell differentiation through single-cell approaches and modeling mammary organogenesis from biological first principles. Part Four talks about specific fields of investigation including inborn errors of metabolism, system biology approach in epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and an approach to understanding how COVID-19 spreads in the population. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Cutting-edge and comprehensive, Systems Biology, Second Edition is a valuable tool for any researcher looking to learn more about this important and developing field.”
Piccin – 2020 – M. Bizzarri
“Un manuale utile per destreggiarsi nella miriade di test di laboratorio disponibili. Il volume è una pratica guida per gli studenti, ma anche per i medici e i tecnici di laboratorio, per una rapida consultazione sulle indicazioni diagnostiche dei vari test insieme alle problematiche dovute ad interferenze farmacologiche o nutrizionali. La moderna Medicina di Laboratorio si occupa dell’attendibilità e della significatività del dato per giungere ad una diagnosi esatta il prima possibile. I Diagnostic Management Team (DMT), sono stato costituiti per individuare i test appropriati da effettuare sulla base delle indicazioni ricevute dal clinico. I DMT fanno risparmiare tempo e denaro in quanto riducono i tempi di ricovero i quali, se impropri, costituiscono il principale aggravio della spesa sanitaria.”
Springer Nature – 2020 – M. Bizzarri
“This volume – for pharmacologists, systems biologists, philosophers and historians of medicine – points to investigate new avenues in pharmacology research, by providing a full assessment of the premises underlying a radical shift in the pharmacology paradigm. The pharmaceutical industry is currently facing unparalleled challenges in developing innovative drugs. While drug-developing scientists in the 1990s mostly welcomed the transformation into a target-based approach, two decades of experience shows that this model is failing to boost both drug discovery and efficiency. Selected targets were often not druggable and with poor disease linkage, leading to either high toxicity or poor efficacy. Therefore, a profound rethinking of the current paradigm is needed. Advances in systems biology are revealing a phenotypic robustness and a network structure that strongly suggest that exquisitely selective compounds, compared with multitarget drugs, may exhibit lower than desired clinical efficacy. This appreciation of the role of polypharmacology has significant implications for tackling the two major sources of attrition in drug development, efficacy and toxicity. Integrating network biology and polypharmacology holds the promise of expanding the current opportunity space for druggable targets.”
Humana Press – Springer Nature – 2018 – M. Bizzarri
“This volume focuses on methodological aspects of systems biology in order to provide a new theoretical approach with a robust and tailored experimental support. Chapters detail mathematical modeling, methodological issues, modulation of the collective behavior, metabolic, dynamic profiling, and quantitative morphological studies. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Authoritative and practical, Systems Biology aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.”
WIT Press – 2012 – M. Bizzarri
“Fifteen years after the first genetically modified (GM) seeds and food, only four GM plants have achieved significant market positions: corn, cotton, rapeseed and soybeans. Most of the other new constructs have caused unsolved problems or are only at the project stage, demonstrating the complexity of the task facing biotech companies.
Doubts are also emerging about the real economic and agronomic benefits of genetically modified organisms. Little is known about their potential for upsetting environmental biodiversity in an irreversible way. Worries about their impact on human health have not been dispelled but have increased with the evident incapacity of current international standards to ensure controls and enforcement. Reliable risk assessment models and methodologies have not yet been developed and cannot be expected soon: this makes it impossible to assess the nature (qualitative aspects) and extent (quantitative aspects) of the risks, and prevents estimates based on the risk/benefit ratio. In this situation it seems prudent to resort to the precautionary principle, defined in the Cartagena Protocol and incorporated in the Rio Declaration. The stakes are high and discussion needs to be brought to a level of scientific proof that leaves no room for ambiguity or alibis. Governments, companies and scientists must be called to respond to the specific questions raised by the vast scientific literature. There have been too many accusations of poor science and too many unproven claims and statements, symptomatic of conflicts of interest. It is time for fair debate with all sides on an equal footing.”
Frontiera – 1999 – M. Bizzarri
La mente e il cancro
“Il nostro modo di vivere certi eventi, assegnando loro un significato positivo o negativo, è determinante per la difesa della salute: nell’organismo si innesca una cascata di reazioni che influenzano in un senso o nell’altro la facoltà di reazione alle malattie, anche tumorali. Il libro ripercorre con rigore la storia del rapporto Mente-Cancro, riunendo la più ampia documentazione degli esperimenti scientifici. Riferisce i faticosi passi in avanti compiuti e le linee di indagine future o futuribili, concludendo con la tesi che solo un rapporto integrato, che coinvolga corpo, mente e spirito del paziente affiancando le terapie di sostegno psicologico ai trattamenti farmacologici-chirurgici, può offrire la soluzione al male del secolo.”
Complete List
Bizzarri M. Systems Biology. Springer protocols. Humana press, 2023. ISBN-10: 107163576X ISBN-13: 978-1071635766
Bizzarri M. Cacciari M. Covid-19: un’epidemia da decodificare. ByoBlu Edizioni, Milano, 2022.
Bizzarri M. Angeloni A., Marchese C., Verna R. Interpretazione clinica degli esami di laboratorio. 2020. Piccin, Padova.
Bizzarri M. Approaching Complex Diseases: Network-Based Pharmacology and Systems Approach in Biomedicine (Human Perspectives in Health Sciences and Technology). 2019, Springer-Nature. ISBN-10: 3030328562 ISBN-13: 978-3030328566
Bizzarri M. Systems Biology. Springer protocols. Humana press, 2018. ISBN-10: 1493984918 ISBN-13: 978-1493984916
Bizzarri M. The New Alchemists: the risk of Genetic Modification. Wit Press (Boston), 2012. ISBN 978-1-84564-662-2
Bizzarri M. Quel Gene di troppo. Editori Riuniti (Eds.) 2008. ISBN 978-88-359-6050-8 (il libro è stato tradotto in spagnolo: El Imperio de los Genes, Ed. Seristar (Cuba – America Latina).
Bizzarri M. La Mente e il Cancro. Milano, Frontiera Ed., 1999. ISBN 88-87216-04-5
Bizzarri M. Le infezioni micotiche nel paziente oncologico, UTET, Milano,1998
Bizzarri M. (Editor) Conceptual and Methodological challenges in Systems Biology. Springer, lab protocol series Methods in Molecular Biology. 2017
Bizzarri M. The New Alchemists: the risk of Genetic Modification Wit Press (Boston), 2012. ISBN 978-1-84564-662-2